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DMCA Disclaimer | PriceGum

All the textbase Content is the property of pricegum.com by the owner.  We hold all the copyrights about the mentioned content but we are not responsible for any ads which show your content on our site. if you have any concerns about any type of content here email us at admin[@]pricegum.com.


Most of the pictures on this site are original. But others are from the Internet and make my own properties. If you find any picture on pricegum.com that belongs to you. And you do not agree with it being published on our website. So, please feel free to contact us and we will remove it.


All the software Games and apps are contained on pricegum.com and provided by different public sources. Including different websites, considered to be in the public domain. All of the Links found here come from 3rd party hosting sites such as Uppit, ZippyShare, Mediafire, Datafilehost, etc. We do not host any of the Links. Please contact hosting sites for any content removal.

The rights of final interpretation for any software mentioned on this website are reserved by its author. If you do not want your work to appear on our site, Don’t hesitate to report content that you believe contains copyrighted material.

Copyright Removal

Provide evidence of the authorized person to act on behalf of the owner. Provide sufficient contact information so that we may contact you. You must also include a valid email address. You must have sufficient detail of the copyrighted claimed content and include at least one search term under which the material appears in pricegum.com search results.

Contact Us

If you found any copyrighted material or links on pricegum.com which you want to be removed from copyright policies, you can contact us by email by providing full details of that copyrighted content in email under the copyright policies written below.

pricegum.com will remove any link or content at the copyright owner’s request as soon as possible. Send the written infringement notice by email at admin[@]pricegum.com and please allow 1-3 business days for an email response.

Don’t Copy

Most of the content (articles) on pricegum.com are original. So please don’t copy our material. Because We can take action on that copyrighted material. All portable software, ebooks, and other unoriginal resources are strictly for personal use. Even more, Do not use these files for any commercial purpose.

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